Editorial address
367000, Russia, Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, pl. Lenina, 1, office. 53.
Deputy editor-in-chief of the journal “Bulletin of the Dagestan State Medical Academy” Nabi Ummatovich Chamsutdinov
Tel. 8 (960) 409-46-61
E-mail: nauchdoc60@mail.ru
Executive secretary of the journal “Bulletin of the Dagestan State Medical Academy”
Shikhnebiev Dair Abdulkerimovich
Tel. 8 (8722) 68-20-87
E-mail: vestnikdgma@yandex.ru
FSBEI HE “Dagestan State Medical University” Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Legal address: 367000, Russia, Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, pl. Lenina, 1.
E-mail: dgma@list.ru
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