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Requirements for manuscripts

List of requirements and conditions for materials submitted for publication in the journal “Bulletin of Dgma”

1. Rules for publishing materials in the journal

1.1. The journal publishes articles of scientific and practical content, reviews, lectures, clinical observations, information materials, reviews, discussions, letters to the editor, short communications, information about the scientific life of the university, congratulations to anniversaries. The material proposed for publication must be original and not previously published in other printed publications. The journal accepts for publication articles in the specialty 14.01.00 – “clinical medicine”.

1.2. The recommended length of the article is 17,000-34,000 printed characters with spaces (6-12 pages). Authors send materials prepared in accordance with the rules of the journal by e-mail or regular mail, or hand them over personally to the executive secretary of the journal. The decision to publish (or reject) an article is made by the journal’s editorial board after reviewing and discussing it. The decision of the editorial board is recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

1.3. All articles submitted to the editorial office of the journal are reviewed in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the publication of scientific literature. Articles are reviewed in the manner specified in the Regulations on Reviewing.

2. Form for submitting copyright materials

2.1. Mandatory elements of publication are:

  • Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) index (print above the title of the article on the left), reflecting in sufficient detail the subject of the article (the basic rules for indexing by UDC are described on the website;
  • title of the article (in capital letters);
  • initials and surname of the author (co-authors);
  • name of the city, institution, department or department where the work was performed;
  • main part (structure of the original article: introduction, purpose, material and methods, results, conclusion or discussion with conclusions, literature);
  • beyond-text bibliographic references;
  • summary in Russian and English (with translation of the author’s name, co-authors, article title and keywords) of 8-10 lines, including the purpose, methods, results and conclusions of the study;
  • information about the author (last name, first name, patronymic, position, academic degree, academic title, institution address with postal code) and contact information (phone numbers, e-mail).

2.2. General rules for text formatting

Author’s materials must be prepared using A4 paper size settings (210×297 mm), with one and a half line spacing. Font color is black, standard font size is 12 point. Margin dimensions on all sides are 25 mm. To emphasize text elements, you can use italics, bold italics, and bold italics. Underlining text is not recommended.

All text copyright materials are accepted in RTF (Reach Text Format) or doc format. The article file must be completely identical to the printed original submitted to the editors of the journal, or contain edits made by the editors. Publication pages are numbered and headers and footers are not created.

2.3. Illustrations

All illustrations must have a name and, if necessary, explanatory data (text below the figure); All illustrations must be referenced in the text of the article. The word “Fig.”, its serial number, name and explanatory data are located directly below the picture. Illustrations should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. If there is only one drawing, it is not numbered.

Drawings, graphs, diagrams, diagrams, illustrations placed in publications must comply with the requirements of state standards of the Unified System of Design Documentation (ESKD)

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Electronic halftone illustrations (photographs, reproductions) must be submitted in JPG or TIF format, minimum size 100×100 mm, resolution 300 dpi.

Line illustrations (drawings, graphs, diagrams, charts) must be presented in Al, EPS or CDR format, in black and white. Text design of illustrations in electronic documents: font Times New Roman or Symbol, 9 point, Greek characters – roman, Latin – italic.

2.4. Tables

All tables must have a name and links in the text. The name should reflect their content, be accurate, concise, and placed above the table.

The table should be placed immediately after the paragraph in which it is first mentioned. A table with a large number of rows can be moved to another page.

Column headers are usually written parallel to the table rows; If necessary, perpendicular arrangement of column headings is allowed.

Text formatting of tables in electronic documents: Times New Roman or Symbol font, 9 point, Greek characters – roman, Latin – italic.
2.5. Bibliographic description

2.5.1. The main list of references (Literature) is drawn up as a list of bibliographic records in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 (http:// and is placed after the text of the article. The numbering of literature is continuous throughout the text in alphabetical order (first Russian-language, then foreign). The number of references should not exceed 20 for the original article, 50 for the review. It is allowed (with the exception of special cases) to quote literature from the last 10 years of publication; it is recommended to cite abstracts instead of dissertations. To link with the text of the document, the serial number of the bibliographic record in the textual link is typed in square brackets in the line with the text of the document.

2.5.2. The second list of references (References) is a complete analogue of the list of references with sources in Russian, in which the bibliography in Russian must be presented in Latin letters (transliteration). Transliteration of the names of authors and titles of a magazine or book publication is given on the website:

2.6. Form for submitting copyright materials

2.6.1. Text of the article, resume (in Russian and English), information about the authors, printed in 2 copies, covering letter with the official seal of the institution.

2.6.2. Text of the article, summary and information about the authors in electronic form on CD or DVD in a separate file in RTF or doc format.

Information about each author: level of scientific training (applicant, graduate student, doctoral student, academic title, degree), position, main place of work, contact details (telephone number with city code, email address).

Articles submitted for publication should be sent to:

367000, Russia, Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, pl. Lenina, 1, to the editorial office of the journal “Bulletin of the Dagestan State Medical Academy”, 4th floor, room 53, to the executive secretary.

Tel.: 8 (8722) 68-20-87.

Articles prepared without complying with the above rules are returned to the authors without prior consideration.


Summary (summary) is one of the types of abbreviated forms of presenting a scientific text. The purpose of a summary is to attract the reader’s attention, to awaken the reader’s interest using minimal linguistic means: by communicating the essence of the research and its novelty. Both should be stated in the resume, not implied. All scientific articles in the journal must have author’s abstracts.

A summary is a special genre of scientific presentation of a text that determines the structure of its content. The genre difference between a summary and an article implies a difference in the form of presentation. If the article should contain the logic of reasoning and evidence of a certain thesis, then the summary should contain a statement of the results of the analysis and evidence. Thus, the wording in the text of the resume should be generalized, but informative, i.e. constructed according to predicates (“what is said”), and not according to thematic concepts (“what is said”).

There are requirements for the volume of the resume and the structure of the content. For articles published in the journal “Bulletin of the DSEA”, the optimal volume of the author’s summary in Russian and English is 500-900 characters with spaces.

It is common practice in the world to reflect a summary of the article in author’s summaries. Sometimes the structure of the article is preserved in the summary – introduction, goals and objectives, research methods, results, conclusion (conclusions).

Poor-quality author’s summaries in articles repeat the title of the article in content, are full of general words, do not state the essence of the study, and are unacceptably short.

The summary is always accompanied by keywords. A keyword is a word in a text that, together with other keywords, can represent the text. Keywords are used primarily for search purposes. The set of publication keywords (search image of the article) is close to a resume. CV texts with keywords must be presented in Russian and English.

A high-quality author’s resume in English allows you to:

  • for a foreign scientist to become familiar with the contents of the article and determine interest in it, regardless of the language of the article and the availability of the opportunity to read its full text;
  • to overcome the language barrier for a scientist who does not know Russian;
  • increase the likelihood of the article being cited by foreign colleagues

The author’s summary in Russian is compiled for scientists who read in Russian. High-quality author’s summaries are a necessity in an information-oversaturated environment.