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Goals and objectives of the journal

The scientific and practical journal “Bulletin of the Dagestan State Medical Academy” is a regular peer-reviewed printed publication reflecting the results of scientific research by Russian and foreign scientists focused on the development of advanced medical technologies.

The purpose of the publication is to promote the scientific achievements of Russian medicine in the Russian Federation and abroad. The journal publishes articles of scientific and practical content, reviews, lectures, clinical observations, information materials, reviews, discussions, information about the scientific life of the university, congratulations to anniversaries.

The name and content of scientific works published in the journal “Bulletin of the Dagestan State Medical Academy” must correspond to the group of specialties of scientific workers 01/14/00 – Clinical medicine. Priority for publication is given to articles of a problematic and scientific-practical nature in the following scientific areas:

    • surgery
    • internal diseases
    • obstetrics and gynecology
    • pediatrics
    • infectious diseases

The main objectives of the magazine are:

generalization of scientific and practical achievements and knowledge in the field of clinical medicine,
advanced training of practicing doctors of various specialties,
attracting the attention of the scientific community to the most relevant areas of medical science,
integration of Russian authors into the international scientific community, increasing the indexing of their scientific works in international databases and dissemination of high-quality scientific works in the international scientific community.